Scientists have successfully developed a superglue that can fill/replug the hole in heart. A hole in … HLAA superglue fixes the hole in HeartRead more
Samsung Galaxy S5 may feature Eye Scanner
Samsung is going to unveil its next iteration of Android flagship smartphone Galaxy S5. Most probably … Samsung Galaxy S5 may feature Eye ScannerRead more
NASA LLCD trial confirms Laser Communication capabilities in Space
Recently NASA released result of its LLCD (Lunar Laser Communication Demonstration) as a 30-days test was … NASA LLCD trial confirms Laser Communication capabilities in SpaceRead more
The First Flight of Aeromobile V2.5
Someone said about flying: “If it looks good, it will fly well.” A designer from the … The First Flight of Aeromobile V2.5Read more
Ghe-O introduces Rescue Off-Roader to save Lives
Those people who think that ARGO 8×8 XTI is a little, too small and weak for … Ghe-O introduces Rescue Off-Roader to save LivesRead more
FIS introduces Cardless Cash Access System
All people know that we can withdraw money from ATM using ATM Card. Let draw the … FIS introduces Cardless Cash Access SystemRead more
Solar-Powered Airplane completed Its first trans-America Flight
Solar Impulse’s Mission Across America started in San Francisco on May 3, and made stops in … Solar-Powered Airplane completed Its first trans-America FlightRead more
HP Rove 20 All-in-One PC Coming in July
HP has unveiled its first mobile All-in-one PC named Envoy Rove 20. It has a built-in 62 … HP Rove 20 All-in-One PC Coming in JulyRead more
Swiss company S3 plans to fly satellites in the Space
The at least cost, to launch a satellite in a usual way is US$50,000,000. But newly-inaugurated … Swiss company S3 plans to fly satellites in the SpaceRead more
Samsung will introduce Galaxy S IV with Eye-Tracking Technology
As you know well that Samsung is going to introduce its new flagship the Galaxy S … Samsung will introduce Galaxy S IV with Eye-Tracking TechnologyRead more