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Microsoft Started Rolling out Windows 8 to Window 10 Worldwide

Finally Microsoft has started rolling out process of its latest operating system to users around the world. A free upgrade is available for Widnows7 and 8.1 user with its developments supported by feedback from millions of early testers which resulted in some disliked feature being ditched.

In Windows 10, users will not see busy Start screen filled with app tiles for which there was a universal criticism from users, now reliable old Start menu is back. The Start offers the traditional pop-up list menu having the most heavily used apps cum suggested apps and quick access to settings and File Explorer enabling users to pin their important apps, contacts and website for quick access.


Now the Windows has only one browser called Microsoft Edge as in Windows it created confusion of having two versions of Internet Explorer. Microsoft Edge enables users to mark up favorite web pages, can be shared with others or saved using OneNote. It also makes effort to customize the reading experience by allowing online articles that can be viewed on a cleaner layout optimized for screen size.

In Windows 10, there is wider digital assistance like Apple’s Siri and Google. Cortana is available to give easy and quick access to information primarily through voice activation however typing option is available if needed. Cortona search is powered by Bing enabling the access to your email, text messages and ideas. It designed to observe user habits time to time to provide relevant responses.


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