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How to Grow Lemons at Home- Easy Ideas

I can remember the days in my childhood when we grow lemons in our fields. There were only 5 trees grown in fields and we get lot of lemons during rainy days in summer. But now trends for growing lemons are changed as you can observe that lemons are available in all seasons while lemons were only grown in summer. Why lemons are available in all seasons because people have found lot of ideas to grow lot of types of lemons. The days have gone when you were able only to grow lemons in fields. In other words, now you can grow lemons in backyard, front yard, kitchen and in any other space available in your living place.

Here I’m going to share ideas how to grow and where to grow different types of lemon in your homes. Here are most popular types of lemon trees mostly grown at home.

1-Eureka Lemon

2-Pink Variegated Lemon Tree

3-Lisbon Lemon

4-Meyer Lemon

5-Primofiori Lemon

6-Verna Lemon

Best ideas to grow lemon at home.

People have find out easy ideas to grow lemon at home. First is to find out the space available in your home then to select the suitable type of lemon to grow. Mostly people grow lemon in terrace, backyard and frontyard.

1-Growing lemon in kitchen


2-Growing lemon in Window

3-Growing lemon in Frontyard

4-Growing Lemon in Backyard

5-Growing Lemon on Terrace


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