Scientists have successfully developed a superglue that can fill/replug the hole in heart. A hole in heart is never a good thing, especially when infant are born with this defect doctors have to fix this issue quickly. In this case sutures and staples are not suitable as they can damage the heart tissue and it takes too much time to bond the patches in hole. Existing surgical adhesive have their own drawback and they become unstuck in wet and dynamic environment like inside the heart. So there is need of subsequent way to fix the issue.

Officially known as HLAA hydrophobic light-activated adhesive, superglue was developed by joint effort of Boston Children Hospital, MIT and Harvard affiliated and Brigham and Women Hospital.
HLAA, liquid glue having the same characteristics, is also biodegradeable, biocompatible and elastic consistency once it is set. Having combination of these qualities means it will remain adhered to the heart despite immersed in liquid blood. It won’t get pulled loose or ripped by the contraction of heart muscle. Finally it will harmlessly biodegrade once the hole is filled.
Further, HLAA sets in just 5 seconds when it is exposed to an UV light source.