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Greenery-filled Binh’s Concrete House keeps the residents naturally Cool

greenery filled house

This wonderful greenery-filled concrete house by Vietnam’s Vo Trong Nghia Architects keeps three generation of same family naturally cool in tropical city Ho Chi Minh City as it has passive design which is also part of firm’s House of Trees series having aim to create oases of green in inner-city of Vietnam.

Binh House in veitnam

Having the floor space of 233 sq m and spread over three floors, the house is built and design with a carefully-planned interior design to provide the privacy to each family member. However slight lines ensure visual connection to most areas.

vegetation on structure

The interiors design include kitchen, bathroom, stairs and corridor in west side of the home. Proper ventilation has been ensured while designing the house further multiple glass door also aid ventilation.

greery filled concrete house

Air conditioners are installed but the company says there is no need of it after completion of the project. Vegetation are spread over the textured parts of the exteriors that creates a soften and rustic on the structure.

home for sale in vietnam

Vietnam's Vo Trong Nghia Architects

house for trees

naturally cool house

concrete house by Minh House

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