Camping is a wonderful and dreamy outdoor activity. With the passage of time, camping trends are also changed. Now camping is not just to have your own camper van, camping trailer or RV. Now camping is changed as amazing camping gadgets are invented.
While thinking about camping, most of people face budget problem. This issue is now almost resolved as now you can go on camping with your ebike camper trailer. Here are most amazing dreamy ebike camping trailers to try an ebike camping trip.
1-Scout ebike camper trailer
Its a towable solo traveler ebike camping trailer. It measures 44 cm (57 in) in lenght, by 95 cm (37 in) in width, by 99 cm (39 in) in height. Inside the camping, it provides sleeping space and storage space for camping essentials. For more watch below video.
2- Mody Ebike Camping Trailer by ModyPlast
During Covid Pandemic, Germany based ModyPlast expert in race car components thought differently and introduced bicycle towable caravan as all racing events were cancelled. Mody comes in three different variant, all are with no foldable mechanism. Watch below vide for more.
3- B-Turtle eBike Camping Trailer
GentleTent is an Australian inflatable tent specialist, now focusing on vehicular camping. They introduced RTT and then also onto to all new B-Turtle bike camping trailer. The B-Turtle weighs in at 66 lb (30 kg), and its trailer body measures 43 x 31 x 23 in (110 x 79 x 58 cm, L x W x H), and is 63 in (160 cm) in length with the drawbar included. For more watch below video.